Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Summer resolutions...

I will no longer celebrate other people's sobriety anniversaries; I will celebrate other people's lives well lived and their demonstrated efforts to improve themselves and their neighbors.

I will no longer allow other people's claims of sobriety to serve as any basis for moral or social authority; I will ask "old timers" to justify their positions in logic and experience, and if they can't, I will disregard them and their statements.

I will not speak to others in terms my sobriety date; instead I will use only so much of my story as I deem appropriate and helpful. To celebrate my sobriety, sanity, and serenity, I will honor my natural birthday.

I will no longer give lip service to the 12 Steps as a "program for living," nor will I speak any longer in terms of a "Program"; instead I will encourage others to find and claim their own way.

I will no longer accept people as sponsees nor will I ask someone to be my sponsor; instead I will let the natural progression of affection and respect govern my relationships.

I will no longer speak of myself as an alcoholic; instead I will use the term, "alcohol addict," to identify myself more strongly with my fellow-sufferers who abuse other mood-alterering chemicals and behaviors.

I will no longer sit silently as I watch my beloved AA reduced to a mean and mindless cult.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like what you said about looking for logic in what people say and insight in what they do rather than see what kind of person they are before you except what they say (if that sentance made sense at all).

Like I told my friend when she relapsed on one stupid hit of weed and wanted to call it quits, "We're not in this program to get an impressive clean time, we're in it because we don't like what drugs do to us and we don't want to put up with that SHIT anymore!"

And I DEFINITLY agree, that MEETINGS keep people sober not the 12 steps (in most circumstances).


See you at the Artists' Group tonight. :D

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...wisdom in these strong words
bring heart and soul to those of us struggling to find our way in the existing channels of recovery; experiencing much of same resistances and reservations...i, too, embrace the redefinition and freedom from being labled and stuck in a box...lm

10:41 AM  
Blogger Solocrone said...

i reject the lack of will, turning "will" i.e. self and character over to "God", instead am on a HP path of empowerment thru melding my will and mind and weakness and strength with the universe around and within me. . . my HP does not keep me in a box anymore than I keep HP in a box. . . if it is big enuff to contain me, then it is big indeed. . .what miracles and marvels we people are, whatever labels are slapped in our faces!!! I am a cocky unselfsure yet seeking rebel who squirms uncomfortably with the notion of upchucking my brain for the greater good.

7:38 PM  

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