That's how the light gets in.
– Leonard Cohen, Anthem
We simply couldn't afford to take the chance of letting self-appointed members present themselves as messiahs representing A.A. before the whole public. The promoter instinct in us might be our undoing. If even one publicly got drunk, or was lured into using A.A.'s name for his own purposes, the damage might be irreparable. - Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p 187.At my Al-Anon meetings, I hear many people in toxic families reiterate the claim the family makes on its privacy. Abusive households set a high store on keeping the family secrets. I have been helped and hurt by my attendance in AA for the last fifteen years. AA has helped and hindered my progress toward a happy life without strong toxins. If AA is happy to take credit for my clean and sober life, then AA also gets the blame when I decided to drink or use drugs. The fact is: AA doesn't get the credit or the blame for my decisions. It provided a time and place for me to meet up with other folks who were trying to live a clean and sober life. Some of these people truly helped me and encouraged me; some were sick twisted fucks.
The term “Conference-approved” describes written or audiovisual material approved by the Conference for publication by G.S.O. This process assures that everything in such literature is in accord with A.A. principles. Conference-approved material always deals with the recovery program of Alcoholics Anonymous or with information about the A.A. Fellowship.
The term has no relation to material not published by G.S.O. It does not imply Conference disapproval of other material about A.A. A great deal of literature helpful to alcoholics is published by others, and A.A. does not try to tell any individual member what he or she may or may not read.